The singular purification of Jose Maria de Zuaznávar as counselor of Navarre in 1823
Purification, absolutism, anti-foralism, magistracyAbstract
Within a set of records purification of numerous magistrates preserved in the AHN scarcely used by researchers, the file purification José María Zuaznávar presents a series of singularities that are explored in this article. The article discusses the historiographical oblivion of Zuaznávar, the peculiarities of the file that contravene the rules of the Regency to process purifications and uniqueness of the text itself, an absolutist argument as a basis for the preface to the second edition of his Ensayo histórico-crítico sobre la legislación de Navarra.
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How to Cite
González Fuertes, M.A. 2017. The singular purification of Jose Maria de Zuaznávar as counselor of Navarre in 1823. Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia. 24 (Mar. 2017), 121–145.
Dosier: Historia e historiadores de Navarra
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