Graffiti and invisible authors. Figurative graffiti from the Royal Cachette Wadi (Luxor, Egypt) as case studies




graffiti, figurative, invisibility, Royal Cachette wadi, Egypt


Figurative graffiti made by ancient cultures could be considered as a source of information regarding the lower levels of the society, illiterate people unable to produce a text, as well as a reflection of a mainly unlettered population. The invisible authors of those drawings produced a rich and complex evidence, which shows their intention to leave a trace of their presence in a certain place. Basing on two case studies of figurative graffiti attested in the Royal Cachette wadi or C2 Wadi in ancient Thebes (Luxor, Egypt), I propose a holistic analysis which considers their iconography, function and exact location within the context of the landscape. This analysis will show the significance of the C2 Wadi, the liminal character of the precise location of both graffiti, and the sacred role of the place which has an exceptional concentration of graffiti in the Theban mountain.


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How to Cite

Vivas Sainz, I. 2024. Graffiti and invisible authors. Figurative graffiti from the Royal Cachette Wadi (Luxor, Egypt) as case studies. Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia. 31 (May 2024), 33–50. DOI:



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