Popular culture in Pompeian parietal graffiti: erotic and amatory graffiti





Graffiti, Popular culture, Social relationships, Sexuality, Historiography


Behind the marble landscape of the temples and public buildings of Rome there existed a reality characterised by a populace that came to the city in search of opportunities. However, the classical authors did not write many descriptions of the daily lives of these individuals, except when they went from discontent to violence. Only the meanest and most vile aspects of their behaviour were recurring elements in satirical literature and comedy. The information related to this group has reached us through the texts of what we could call high society. But what were these individuals like and how did they think? The answer to this question lies in avoiding traditional sources and placing emphasis on graffiti that shows us a side of popular culture different from that of the elite and allows us to rethink social relations and Roman identity.


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How to Cite

Novillo López, M. Ángel 2024. Popular culture in Pompeian parietal graffiti: erotic and amatory graffiti. Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia. 31 (May 2024), 67–83. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48035/rhsj-gh.31.5.



Dossier: Historical graffiti as the voice of the disadvantaged, ed. P. Ozcáriz